Firestone Air Springs


Firestone Truck Air Springs | Suspension Air Bags


Firestone Logo      Firestone Made in USA
Firestone Airride springs were pioneered and perfected by Firestone. Firestone offers replacement springs available for virtually every vehicular air suspension system. Airide spring are used by practically all manufacturers who offer air suspension on their vehicles. The Firestone trade name on an air spring guarantees you the benefit of the very latest technical developments and improvements. It is your assurance of a product not only engineered and perfected to perform, but which also has a long history of superior performance in actual use.We have a full line of Firestone suspension air springs for most air ride suspensions (Peterbilt, Freightliner, Kenworth, Mack, International, Volvo) and lift axles (Neway, Watson & Chalin, Granning). These truck air bags can usually be shipped the same day of the order to anywhere by UPS.

Enter Goodyear, Firestone, or OEM Air Spring Number

Save $20 When You Purchase $200 or more on Firestone Air Springs!

We stock more air springs that are not listed on our web pages. If you don’t find an air spring part number that matches your needs, please use our Contact Form to find out if a Firestone air bag is available for your truck. Also, please use our contact form to inquire about quantity purchases of air bags and air bags not listed in our catalog. We offer replacement Firestone suspension air bags and Hendrickson air springs. Please indicate any suspension air spring part number information on the inquiry form.



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Firestone Super-Cushion air springs for trucks, trailers, buses, and cab & seat springs protect cargo, provide constant level-hauling, and deliver long, trouble-free service.

Firestone air springs give your trucks, trailers and buses a new high in productivity and long life. They offer a quiet, cushioned ride. Truck, trailer and bus bodies last longer than with steel springs because there is less vibration. The driver rides in greater comfort, becomes less fatigued and stays more alert. Plus cargo has better protection from shock and vibration. Whenever you want to add an axle, Super-Cushion air spring fit right in.

Firestone air springs when used with leveling valves, also maintain consistent trim height regardless of the load. That means clearance heights remain constant, and that trailer floors are flush with loading dock floors for ease of loading and unloading.

For driver comfort, load cushioning and long-life for your trucks, trailer, bus and cab and seat springs specify Firestone Engineered Products Super-Cushion air springs.