Tie Rod Assemblies

Qwiktie Tie Rod Assemblies


Designed to increase simplicity and safety. STEMCO® QWIKTIE™ tie rod assembly offers a highly adaptable solution that can accommodate a wide range of straight tie rod lengths.

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Tie Rod End Industry Std.
Reference #
QWIKTIE Part # Axle Code King Pin
ES3219L, ES3220R QT967SS FF-961, FF-966 K961L
ES423L, ES423R QT967SS FF-981, FF-986 K981R
ES9001L, ES9001R QT967SS 02-ADD K1201
ES431L, ES431R QT108SB FL-931, FL-941 KH931L
ES9328L, ES9329R QT108SB E14621/WK147E
ES431L, ES431R QT108SB EFA18F3, EFA20F4 K180E

Advanced  Technology

QWIKTIE’s versatile range of adjustment makes it a flexible stock addition. QWIKTIE tie rod assemblies are highly adjustable to fit over 80% of the straight tie rod lengths and styles in the market. QWIKTIE features easy color attributes for identification and accurate installation. Patent Pending.

Increased Versatility

With a versatile tie rod solution, QWIKTIE tie rod assemblies reduce overhead for maximum efficiency. QWIKTIE fits from 57 3/8″ to 73 7/8″ total length from grease zerk to zerk.

Increased Strength

Increased strength certifies the ability to hold the alignment longer, reducing stress on other suspension components providing increased fuel and tire mileage. QWIKTIE assemblies are

heavy duty with a thicker and stronger cross-tube material for demanding  loads.

Greater  Accuracy

Finer threads provide more precise adjustment and increased strength to hold the alignment longer reducing stress on the steering system. Threads are pre-lubricated for ease of installation and easy adjustment over time.

Safe and Secure

Alignment settings secured with time saving precision achieve a safe, secure connection between the tie rod and threaded tie rod end.

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Part #Description
QT967SS QWIKTIE tie rod assembly
QT108SB QWIKTIE tie rod assembly
QTE967L QWIKTIE rod end (left)
QTE967R QWIKTIE rod end (right)
QTE108L QWIKTIE rod end (left)
QTE108R QWIKTIE rod end (right)
QTT5773 QWIKTIE tube